Vriksh by Gunjan
In the magical heartlands of rural India, where the vast fields stretch like a canvas of boundless potential, Gunjan Jain, the luminary founder of Vriksh, orchestrates a remarkable transformation. Here, amidst the embrace of tranquil countryside, the handloom and handicraft sector looms as a formidable force, second only to agriculture, in shaping livelihoods. This is a realm where the art of handcrafting thrives in local markets, plaiting the destinies of artisans into a complex fabric of tradition and sustainability.
This world of handloom is a sanctuary of tradition and sustainability, where the very Earth seems to breathe life into raw materials, and the ceaseless hum of electric machines remains but a faint echo. It is an intimate, small-scale endeavor that transcends gender boundaries, a space that nurtures self-reliance, self-sufficiency, and a steadfast stance against the relentless march of mass production. Within this sphere, each meter of handwoven fabric stands as a testament to the profound interdependence of countless individuals – farmers, ginners, spinners, dyers, carpenters, and weavers. This dependency is not one of hierarchy, but of harmonious coexistence, where selflessness prevails, and collective survival takes precedence.
At the center of this remarkable transformation stands Gunjan, the visionary founder of Vriksh, driven by a dedication to a noble cause. Vriksh was conceived from a deep-seated connection with the exquisite handwoven fabrics of Odisha, a region steeped in culture and craftsmanship. Gunjan's mission is unequivocal – to restore fading weaves while preserving their cultural significance, all while preserving contemporary elegance.
For Gunjan and her team, each thread, hue, motif, and pattern etched on fabric offers a poignant glimpse into the lives and culture of Odisha's people. At Vriksh, every creation is a harmonious blend of the old and the new, blending heritage and contemporary elegance. With unwavering commitment to sustainability and human comfort, the brand empowers rural women, nurturing their skills and fostering independence. It's a transformative journey that is about nurturing personal growth and dismantling societal norms.
Amidst the ancient temples and lush landscapes of Odisha, Vriksh's mission has found a fitting home. Here the renowned Ikat woven fabrics and sarees are meticulously crafted. The process of Ikat creation is intricate and labor-intensive, involving a series of meticulous steps that necessitate the perseverance of entire families.
Ikat Check Handwoven Tussar Silk Saree
Vrish Navagunjar Collection
As I contemplate Vriksh's extraordinary journey, I am profoundly moved by the noble work they undertake. Gunjan's leadership transcends the confines of fashion; it's about weaving lives together, venerating heritage, and championing sustainability. In a world that sometimes forgets the hands that create, Vriksh stands as a potent reminder of the beauty of craftsmanship, culture, and community.
Welcome to the world of Vriksh, where threads metamorphose into narratives, hues transform into harmonies, and traditions endure. With each creation, the past harmonizes with the present, resulting in nothing short of timeless elegance – a masterpiece that beckons us to explore the rich culture of Odisha and its craftsmanship, and to extol the extraordinary work of Gunjan and her team.
We would get to know more about Gunjan and her exemplary designs in the upcoming editions. Stay Tuned!